Thursday, June 5, 2008

so close, and yet so far...

I weighed in this morning, hoping and praying to have hit my magical number of 199.5.

Unfortunately, it was not meant to be. I still lost weight - one lb - but I'm still not there.

It's so frustrating to work so hard and bust your ass when nothing comes of it. I know, I know, weight loss is a journey, not a destination, blah blah blah.

But still.

This has, however, sparked a fire underneath my butt and I'm heading to the gym tonight after work to either try a new class (spin, maybe ringside boxing, we'll see) or to do more HIIT training on the treadmill.

I've always weighed in on Thursday OR Friday - whichever is the lowest weight is the one I count. Yes, this is technically cheating, but it works for me. Usually I find the two weights are the exact same, but it's still incentive to get my rear in gear and push harder to make that goal.

Only two more pounds till the magical TWENTY-FIVE POUNDS gone. I can't wait.

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